::Literate Blather::
Monday, January 26, 2009
Did you Win Our Conan the Barbarian Giveaway?

Did you Win a Free Conan Book?

Robert E. Howard created one of the most iconic and enduring heroes in Conan the Barbarian. We're big fans of the sword-welding brute at DaRK PaRTY - as you may have gathered from our recent interview about Conan with Joakim Zetterberg.

Joakim and his compay Paradox Entertainment (which owns the righ
ts to Conan) have offered DaRK PaRTY readers a chance to win a free edition of "The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian: The Original Adventures of the Greatest Sword and Sorcery Hero of All Time" by Robert E. Howard.

This 463-page tome collects many of Howard's original Conan tales in one book. Why not listen to Stephen King? He says, "Howard's writing seems so highly charged that it nearly gives off sparks."

We asked folks to pick who they would like to play Conan in the upcoming 2010 movie. At random, we selected three winners. You should expect the book in the mail soon. The winners are:

- Steven F. from Bunaby, British Columbia

- Bill C. from Alvin, Texas

- Jay B. from Houston, Texas

Thanks to everyone who entered and see you at the next book giveaway!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bring back Arnie!!!!

Blogger mybillcrider said...
I'm for Jason Statham. He's not big, but he can play big. I'd like to see him in that Arnie wig, too.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
vin deisel would be good imho -- jb

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Here's an unusual choice - SEAN BEAN. He's a little old for the role, and he'd have to grow his hair out (and get it dyed), but he's got the acting chops. He can play quiet or talkative and is a practiced swordsman.

Give it some thought.

Blogger Ed said...
I already have a copy of the Conan book, so I won't enter the contest, but I would love to see either Mickey Rourke or Gerard Butler as Conan.

Rourke, I admit, would be an oddball choice, but look at him in Sin City and the new Wrestler movie. He might make a helluva Conan.

And Butler, of course, just needs to reprise his 300 role.

Blogger Sportsbook SEO said...
I like everyone's choices so far. I've always thought Paul Levesque, aka Triple H from the WWE would make a pretty decent Conan, although he would also make a damn fine villain.

Blogger GFS3 said...
The Mickey Rourke choice is an intriguing one Ed...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Halle Berry would be perfect for the role.

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