::Literate Blather::
Friday, May 23, 2008
DP Network's Magical Mystery Tour #2

(Culling the very best from the DaRK PaRTY NeTWORK)
  • Think you have a wretched life? Then cheer yourself up by reading the wrist-slashing depressing poetry over at the Alcoholic Poet. You’ll either look good in comparison or drink Drano. So roll the dice…
  • SQT over at the Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin’ Blog is using transformers to bribe her 4-year-old son to become potty trained. We won’t get into the fact that the boy should have been trained at least a year ago, but we suppose using toys as enticements is better than say – whacking him with a stick.
  • The BiblioAddict has a link to an amazing YouTube video about a dead screenwriter named Leonard Schrader who collected more than 100,000 books in his life. Every room in the guy’s house is filled with overflowing bookshelves. It’s heaven.
  • Ben over at Gravetapping is digging Richard Matheson and TOR’s decision to re-release five of Matheson’s short novels such as “The Incredible Shrinking Man” (which we just picked up), “Earthbound,” and “Stir of Echoes.”
  • S.M. Duke at The World in the Satin Bag realizes he has a problem with fruit.
  • Jeff over at When the Dead Walk the Earth has an amusing take on the first three Indiana Jones movies.
  • Lately, I’ve been grooving to the Manchester sound, especially the magic of Stone Roses – and this song is will make you rip out your armpit hair. And if you liked that? Try this.
  • No Smoking in the Skullcave takes a look at an overlooked movie: Witches (which – no pun intended – starred a rather sexy-looking Angelica Huston).
  • Jeremy Richey at Moon in the Gutter gets pissed off at theater owners who do a poor job of showing vintage films.
  • Crime-noir novelist Anthony Neil Smith gets slightly irritated by the “B” we gave his latest crime novel “Yellow Medicine.” And we, of course, can’t keep our big mouths shut (see the comments).
  • And finally here’s vintage rant we did a long time ago on why we hate TV.

(Have what it takes to be part of the DaRK PaRTY NeTWORK? If you have a blogabout culture, literature, books, movies, poetry, music or writing then why not exchange links with us? We promise not to follow you home from the subway on dark nights. And we only eat with our hands when necessary. So drop us a note at darkpartyreview(AT)gmail(DOT)com or leave us a comment. Tell us about your blog and we’ll see if we can exchange links. It’s that easy.)

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Blogger SQT said...
How now. No judging of the potty training.

I did try to train him over the last year but he couldn't hold his pee pee until recently. Slow bladder I guess.

Blogger GFS3 said...
I'm just teasing. My nephew wasn't potty trained until the ripe old age of five. Of course he was the last of six kids on that side of the family. By the time he was ready -- everyone was too tired.

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